You and the Law: The 10 Most Popular Topics of 2017

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Each new year is an opportunity to look back on the past. Each day brings new experiences, new questions about your rights, and you look to Éducaloi for the answers. Housing, family, health . . . here are the most consulted articles in 2017.

10 – Language Laws and Doing Business in Quebec

The Charter of the French Language (Charte de la langue française in French) is a Quebec law that makes French the usual language of business in Quebec.

9 – Employment Rules on Annual Vacation

Would you like to know how much vacation you’re entitled to, how to calculate your vacation pay, or who decides when you can take your vacation?

8 – Renewing a Residential Lease and Rent Increases

Is a lease renewed automatically? What does a landlord have to do to change parts of the lease when it is renewed?

7 – The Duties of Doctors Towards Patients

Depending on the reason for the patient’s visit, doctors give diagnoses, order treatments and check on the progress of patients.

6 – Maternity, Paternity and Parental Leave

What are your rights and your employer’s rights during your pregnancy, while you’re still at work?

5 – Common-Law Couples: Making a Life Together Without Being Married

A common-law relationship is when two people make a life together without being married. To be considered a common-law couple in the eyes of the law, it is not always necessary to live together!

4 – Workplace Protections in Quebec

In Quebec, the law protects employees by providing minimum acceptable working conditions.

3 – Household Items and Personal Belongings After Separation

When a couple separates, often one person moves out. Can that person take household items? Sell them? What about personal effects?

2 – Paying Expenses When Spouses Separate

Even when spouses are separated, expenses continue to accumulate, including house expenses, loan payments and family expenses.

1 – A Tenant’s Right to Cancel a Lease

Tenants might want to cancel their leases so they can move out of their apartments before their leases are supposed to end. But tenants can only cancel a lease in special cases.