Tools for planning Ahead
For a specific community group
Date/time : 22 May 2024 11h00 - 12h30
Language : English
Format : In person
Category : Wills and Estates, Seniors
All workshops

Tools for planning Ahead


An overview of some important legal tools to make life easier for your loved ones down the road.

This workshop will cover the basics of :

  • Power of attorney
  • Protection mandate
  • Advance medical directives
  • Wills

It may be of particular interest to persons 50 and older, but adults of all ages should benefit from this information.

To learn more about these topics, consult:

Un survol de quelques outils légaux importants pour faciliter la vie de vos proches en cas d’inaptitude ou de décès.

Cet atelier couvre les règles de base concernant :

  • La procuration
  • Le mandat de protection
  • Les directives médicales anticipées
  • Les testaments

Notez que cet atelier sera offert en anglais.

Organized in collaboration with the Contractivity Centre.
Financial support from Justice Canada made this workshop possible.