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Mélodie Bombardier


Mélodie supports the Assistant Executive Director and Head of Communications in various tasks, including organizing meetings and events. She also assists the communications team and contributes to the development of Éducaloi’s social media strategy.

3 things to know about Mélodie

She did cheerleading for six years.

At dinner, she would like to chat with Walt Disney, fascinated by his creations and empire.

Tea or coffee? Neither.

Her journey at Éducaloi began with an internship. Mélodie always wanted to work for an organization that shared her values and contributed positively to society. Access to justice is important to her, as well as the idea of reaching a wide range of audiences through the organization’s projects.

After initially studying psychology, Mélodie switched to a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies after a year. Alongside her job at Éducaloi, Mélodie continues her studies by pursuing a specialized graduate diploma in management.