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Together, anything is possible

Our Board of Directors stays informed, engages in discussions, and makes the decisions necessary to guide Éducaloi and ensure that its mission is respected and accomplished. Our 12 members come from diverse and complementary backgrounds, including law, education, communications, finance, and human resources. The wealth of their expertise and the depth of their commitment allow us to better serve the population of Quebec.

Our board of directors

Many professional sectors, one mission

Guided by our by-laws, each of our three partner members appoint two people to be members of our Board of Directors. For its part, the Board of Directors appoints the last three people whose experience and skills will offer the diverse backgrounds that will ensure a robust and inspiring governance team.

Good to know: three ministries that financially support Éducaloi in the accomplishment of its mission each appoint someone as a supporting member, providing an essential link between their expertise and the achievement of our strategic priorities.

Board of directors

Board Members

Me Michel Beauchamp, Not. E.


Ms. Catherine Laporte


Ms. Marie-Josée Labelle


Ms. Alexandra Langelier


Me  Francisco Couto, retired advocate


Me George Dolhan


Me Véronique Hivon, Ad. E.


Mr. Nicolas Prévost


Our Strategic Orientation

Éducaloi is a neutral and independent charitable organization with recognized expertise in legal education and clear legal communication.

To fulfil our mission, we have developed a 4-year strategic plan to guide our daily actions.

Want to access all of our strategic plans?