25 initiatives for 25 years of commitment
A major campaign to raise $500,000
On the eve of its 25th anniversary, Éducaloi is launching a major 2023-25 fundraising campaign. The funds raised through this campaign will enable us to implement 25 ambitious, innovative, and creative initiatives, thereby increasing our impact in our constantly evolving society.
Giving to Éducaloi means helping build an informed, autonomous society where everyone knows and understands their rights and responsibilities.
Our 25 Initiatives
optimisation tool based on AI** for educaloi.qc.ca/en/
infographic on employee rights for newcomers
introduction to law manga and/or comic book for high school students
more accessible website thanks to an accompanying glossary
French-language legal workshops in Greater Montreal libraries
English-language legal workshops in Greater Montreal libraries
series of legal “crossword puzzles” for our website and workshops
legal information videos in Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ) and American Sign Language (ASL)
TikTok videos on legal topics, featuring a student trained in CLC*
presentation on CLC* to raise awareness among law students
ready-to-use teaching guide on labour law for francization classes
French-language CLC* course for Quebec universities
promotional campaign in bus shelters in the Greater Montreal area and Quebec City
legal education tool in French and English for adult education establishments
series of 2 videos on CLC* skills for non-legal professionals
charter of essential legal skills for the Réseau en éducation juridique
series of printed booklets based on Éducaloi’s “La Loi et Vous” book
online educational module on CLC* for legal professionals
*CLC – Clear legal communication
**AI – Artificial intelligence
Co-Chairs of the Honour Committee
Me Alexandre Forest
Associate, Gowling WLG. Bâtonnier of Montreal (2019 to 2020)
At the start of the 2019 judicial year, when I presented Éducaloi with the Médaille du Barreau de Montréal, I described the organization as a leading player in the legal world, in line with the Bar’s mission to protect the public.
This is even truer today. Éducaloi’s relentless work to ensure that people know their rights and above all, understand them, is fundamental in a society where misinformation circulates more easily than ever.
On the eve of celebrating its 25th anniversary, Éducaloi’s relevance is self-evident. It’s an honour for me to help maintain and amplify Éducaloi’s impact for years to come.
Caroline Biron, Ad. E
Associate, Blakes
I am deeply honoured to co-chair this fundraising campaign to mark Éducaloi’s 25th anniversary. My interest in the organization stems not only from my admiration for its mission but also from the rigour with which it’s carried out.
As a litigator, I have often been called upon by friends and acquaintances for legal matters outside my field of expertise. I’ve always referred them to Éducaloi, and the feedback has invariably been positive.
I’m delighted to be involved in this campaign as co-chair and look forward to the progress we’ll make together.
Members of the Honour Committee
Assistant Director General, Administration,
English Montreal School Board
Director, Communications and Public Affairs
WSP in Canada
Senior Vice President, Legal Affairs & Corporate Secretariat
Notary, TEP, Family Mediator & Part-time Professor
Sevgi Kelci, Notaire Inc.
Superintendent, Client Services and Financial Education
Principal Director, Legal Services, Recovery and Special Risks
Industrielle Alliance, Home and Auto Insurance
Thank you to our campaign partners
Impact Partners
Power Partners
Knowledge Partners
Clarity Partners
Awareness Partners
- Barreau de Montréal
- Borden Ladner Gervais S.E.N.C.R.L
- Commission de la construction du Québec
- CRHA – Ordre des conseillers en ressources humaines agréés
- Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg
- Desjardins, Béhrer
- Forseti Inc
- Gestias
- Lavery
- LCM Avocats
- Mazars Conseil INC
- Office de la protection du consommateur
- Ordre des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec
- Sylvestre Painchaud et associés