After years of loyal service, your car is starting to show its age. It’s time to part ways and shop for a new set of wheels or maybe a used car.

Whether you’re the buyer or the seller, you should know what the law says about used cars. And you need to take steps to avoid problems.

Buying a Used Car

The law has different rules for the sale of used cars depending on whether the seller is a merchant or an individual. Be careful. Know what steps to take to protect yourself in both cases.

Mecanical Problems, Warranties and Repairs

The law protects buyers of used cars in a number of ways. It’s important for you to know about them. Since an older car will probably have mechanical problems, Éducaloi also explains the rules that apply when you have repairs done by a garage.

Insuring Your Car

The law in Quebec requires two types of insurance coverage. The first one is public insurance, which applies to anyone with a driver’s licence. The other is private insurance, which protects car owners.

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