As a senior, you could face some challenging issues, for example about your autonomy, health, housing and more. This Web Guide provides information about your rights and different options available to you.
Loss of autonomy
Physical or cognitive decline can happen to anyone. Discover the legal tools available to help you plan ahead for your physical well-being and the management of your affairs.
Health Matters
As a senior, you generally have the right to accept or refuse health care. In all cases, the medical team must make sure that you provide consent before giving care. Learn more about the different aspects of consent to medical care.
Protecting Yourself
Malicious individuals often target seniors because of their potential vulnerability. Some seniors also experience family conflicts and have questions about their rights towards their grandchildren. Learn more to recognize and prevent abuse.
Seniors need housing adapted to their needs. Learn more about your options and rights.
Everything about wills
Whether your wishes are simple or more complex, having a will ensures they’ll be respected. Learn more about the different types of wills, their content and how to change them.
Estate Planning and funeral planning
You want to leave the maximum to your loved ones with minimum trouble? Explore the different tools available to you for greater peace of mind.
Practical and printable guides
If you are a caregiver, our web guide for caregivers can help you in your role.