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Éducaloi's Lunch and Law: Buying a House in a Hot Market
Date/time : 11 June 2021 12h00 - 12h30
Language : English
Format : Virtually (Facebook live)
Category : Housing and Property
All workshops

Éducaloi's Lunch and Law: Buying a House in a Hot Market


Are you looking to buy a house, condo, or rental building?

Is the hot market stressing you out?

Book June 11th in your calendar RIGHT AWAY!

During our next Lunch and Law, our lawyer Alain Deschamps will talk with notary Jessie Labrecque about the ABC’s of buying property.

To take part in this Lunch and Law session, please, visit our Facebook page!

Financial support from la Chambre des Notaires du Québec made this workshop possible.