The workshop is intended for front-line workers and managers of community organizations offering legal information and referrals.
It will cover the following topics :
- Finding reliable legal information
- Free and low-cost legal services to which you can refer people
- The “does and don’ts” of providing legal information — including the difference between legal information and legal advice
- Legal responsibilities of staff and volunteers providing legal information
Cet atelier s’adresse au personnel et aux gestionnaires d’organismes communautaires.
Il vise à améliorer vos connaissances et vos compétences en ce qui concerne les aspects suivants de votre travail :
- Trouver de l’information juridique fiable;
- Aiguiller les gens vers des services juridiques gratuits ou à faible coût;
- Fournir de l’information juridique, sans verser dans le conseil;
- Comprendre les responsabilités du personnel et des bénévoles lorsqu’ils fournissent de l’information juridique.
To learn more about these topics, consult:
This workshop was made possible with the financial support of Justice Canada.