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Mental Health Issues and Caregivers Rights
Reserved for SRQEA beneficiaries
Date/time : 6 December 2023 13h30 - 15h30
Language : English
Format : Virtually (Zoom)
Category : Health, Work
All workshops

Mental Health Issues and Caregivers Rights

Mental health challenges affect thousands of Quebecers and their families and friends. When it comes to these challenges, the law comes into play in many ways, affecting patients and caregivers alike. This workshop explores the rights of both patients and caregivers in the hope of making things easier when going through tough times.

After this workshop, participants should have a better understanding of:

  • Consent to medical treatment, forced treatment and hospitalization in the mental health context and patients’ rights
  • Access to medical records
  • Caregivers’ rights to time off, financial assistance and support services

To learn more about these topics, consult:

This event was made possible with the financial support of the Secrétariat aux relations avec les Québécois d’expression anglaise: