Are you involved in a court case? Did you know that there are ways to settle your dispute without going to court? A settlement conference is one way to settle a court case without a trial. In fact, 80% of cases are resolved in this way. Here are some of the main advantages of a settlement conference.

It’s Free
There are no extra costs for taking part in a settlement conference. During the conference, the judge will act as a conciliator. It’s a way to find out if it’s possible for you and the other party to reach agreement without a trial.
It’s simple
All you have to do to take part in a settlement conference is fill out a form. If you are being represented by a lawyer, they will do this for you. Your request for a settlement conference can only be accepted if all the parties involved agree to take part in it. What’s more, you can take advantage of this procedure at any time before the date scheduled for trial.
It’s quick
Normally, a settlement conference takes just one day. Given the flexibility of this approach, you could consider it at any time before the trial and avoid long court delays. If the conference is successful, you will have settled your dispute much faster than if you went to trial.
It’s satisfying
If you settle your dispute in a settlement conference, you’ll feel that you were truly heard and that justice was done in a more personalized way. It will give you greater confidence in the justice system and its players, including judges and lawyers. There’s also a good chance that your relations with the other party will be more cordial in the future, because you were able to reach an agreement.
It’s economical
When a settlement conference results in an agreement, everybody avoids a trial. You settle the case sooner and you save on lawyer’s fees and court costs.
A settlement conference is one way to settle a dispute and avoid going to trial, but it is not the only one. For information on other ways to resolve a conflict without going to court see: Solving Problems Without Going to Court