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Marc-Antoine Bernier

Plain language specialist

Marc-Antoine creates and presents legal information content to meet theneeds of Éducaloi’s target audiences. He fulfills this mandate by writing articles and conducting workshops.

3 things to know about Marc-Antoine

His latest read: "The New Tsar" by Steven Lee Myers.

At his dinner table, he sees himself having an "free" discussion with Charles de Gaulle.

A historically significant event in his eyes: the fall of the Berlin Wall.

He graduates in law from the University of Ottawa in 2011 and in notarial law from the University de Montréal in 2012, Marc-Antoine later relocates to Gaspésie, where he becomes a special clerk at the Percé Courthouse.

Becoming a notary in 2013, Marc-Antoine turns to private practice to learn as much as possible about all aspects of notarial law, aiming to offer a broader range of services to his clientele. Over time, he develops a wide-ranging expertise in estates, real estate law, and corporate law.

Committed to making the law more engaging and more accessible to the public, he joins the Éducaloi team in September 2023. In addition to law, Marc-Antoine has a keen interest in current affairs and history, and he actively engages on social media, particularly on Twitch.