Marjolaine Condrain-Morel

Chief Plain Language Specialist Manager

Marjolaine advises the team on clear legal communication and supports them in the application of its techniques. In this key role, she shares her knowledge and skills with energy and enthusiasm with the editors in the newsroom and project teams. Her goal: to create content that is clear and accessible to the general public.

Three things to know about Marjolaine

Who she’d enjoy dining with? Agatha Christie and Cleopatra, both at the same table

The latest book she’s read: Femme forêt, by Anaïs Barbe

Coffee AND tea: why choose?

A member of the Quebec Bar since 2008, Marjolaine spent 10 years in private practice. There too, she played an educational, coaching paralegals and developing Real Estate Law training courses. She joined Éducaloi in 2018 with a desire to add a new purpose to her legal practice. Her key achievements since then include a comic for children who must testify in court and the creation of a Covid-19 news section.

Marjolaine is passionate about the law and wants to help make it more accessible and understandable to everyone.  That’s why she also offers training for judges on how to write clear judgments. Building relationships and the joy of working are also part of her personality. That’s why Marjolaine is involved in several of the organization’s social committees, because “you can work hard and have fun at the same time!”