About Éducaloi

Information Empowers

The reference in legal education and clear legal communication since 2000.

Our mission

Explain the law in an understandable manner

Explain the law to the population of Quebec in everyday language and enhance their legal competencies.

our vision

Democratise the law to promote autonomy

Promote greater autonomy in legal matters for individuals and communities by making the law more accessible.

our values

The principles that guide us in all our actions








Éducaloi in a few numbers:


years of expertise


legal information tools


million internet users annually


million pages viewed



Éducaloi’s history

We’ve come a long way over the years!

Our distinction, our fields of expertise: legal education and clear legal communication


Access to justice is a matter of great public debate. Many organizations are mandated to provide legal information to the public without it being a priority. Quebec Justice Minister Gil Rémillard forms a working group chaired by Prof Roderick A. MacDonald. This leads to the publication of the MacDonald Report, which stresses the importance of starting legal education in schools.


The Barreau du Québec establishes a committee on legal information and education and looks for sources of financing. Claude Masse, President of the Barreau du Québec, succeeds in obtaining some from the federal Department of Justice.


Justice Québec also steps up to provide financing. The idea of establishing an independent non-profit organization under the leadership of the Barreau du Québec is discussed. From meeting to meeting, the idea gains momentum.


Éducaloi and its website, educaloi.qc.ca, are officially created. We owe the name to Me Geneviève Fortin, the organization’s very first employee and Assistant Executive Director. Me Nathalie Roy becomes the first Executive Director, a position she will hold for the next 17 years. Our first projects relate to family law and young offenders.


Éducaloi launches the English version of its website with tailored content. This initiative follows meetings with 20 English-speaking community organizations over the summer to raise awareness about Éducaloi’s services and gain a deeper understanding of the needs and expectations of Quebec’s English-speaking communities.


The Barreau du Québec, the Chambre des notaires and the Société québécoise d’information juridique (SOQUIJ) become institutional members of Éducaloi. We have worked together ever since to improve the legal information provided to Quebecers.


The Education department and the Commission des services juridiques (legal aid) join the federal and provincial justice departments in supporting Éducaloi’s activities. That same year, Me Ariane Charbonneau becomes the Executive Director of Éducaloi. A year later, the website educationjuridique.ca, dedicated exclusively to legal education in Quebec, is launched.


The most recent strategic objectives are defined until 2025. This permits the organization to concentrate on the key points:  outreach and influence, human capital, growth and financing, governance, and optimization of both French and English contents.


25 years of making the law more accessible… that calls for a celebration! 🎂

involvments in multiple networks

Strength through networking


Since Éducaloi was founded in 2000, it has been a member of the Public Legal Education Association of Canada (PLEAC)/l’Association canadienne d’éducation et d’information juridiques (ACEIJ). Éducaloi also has a seat on its Board of Directors.

Legal Life Skills Network

Created by Éducaloi in 2019, This network is a community of practice that brings together 19 organizations in Quebec and Ontario that are involved in legal education. Its mission is to enhance the knowledge and skills of Network members so that relevant legal education resources can be developed and disseminated in a collaborative manner.

Comité d’action sur l’accès à la justice en matière civile et familiale (access to justice committee in civil law and family law matters)

This committee represents all sectors of the civil and family law justice systems as well as the general public. Éducaloi is represented on the committee through the participation of its Director General, Me Ariane Charbonneau. The committee aims to define concrete actions to improve access to justice in civil and family law matters.

Forum québécois sur l’accès à la justice civile et familiale (Quebec forum on access to justice in civil and family law matters)

The Forum was created in the wake of the publication of Supreme Court Justice Thomas Cromwell’s report on access to justice in civil and family law matters. Éducaloi is represented through the participation of its Director General, Me Ariane Charbonneau. The Forum aims to improve the accessibility of the law and access to justice.

Clarity International

Éducaloi is also a member of Clarity International, an organization dedicated to simplifying legal communications.

Plain Language Association International (PLAIN)

Éducaloi is also a member of this organization, which brings together hundreds of experts and professionals from various fields who are interested in clear communication.