Check out these new rules!

Terraces and minors

If you’re under 18 and accompanied by a parent, you can now stay on a terrace where alcohol is sold until 10 pm. But you’re still not allowed inside the bar.
Selling alcohol in the morning

Grocery stores can now start selling alcohol as early as 7 am.
Being in a bar after it’s closed

You’re allowed to stay in a bar up to one hour after it closes–time to call a taxi and wait for it.
Other changes
Waiters in bars and restaurants no longer have to open bottles of wine or beer in front of the customer unless asked to.
And you no longer have to order a full meal in a restaurant to be able to drink. “Meal” is interpreted more loosely. The date this change comes into effect is not yet known.
Check out these new rules on the website of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (French only).