Top 5: Your Favourite Current Events and Articles of 2021

In the News

Every new year is an opportunity to reflect on the year before. Here are the topics that most interested you in 2021!

Your 2021 Current Events

The team at Éducaloi publishes articles on current events every week. From COVID-19 restrictions to the Britney Spears conservatorship, we’re here to explain the legal concepts that shape the news of the day. Here are the most read current events articles of 2021:

5 – Cannabis: Can You Smoke at Home? (French only)

Many of you wanted to know if you could smoke in your house. You learned that it depends on whether you’re a tenant, an owner, or a condo owner.

4 – Why Is Remembrance Day a Holiday for Some?

Each November 11th, we commemorate the end of World War I in 1918 with Remembrance Day. You wanted to know if you had this federal holiday off.

3 – New Rules for Pools

In July 2021, new rules went into effect for private pools. For example, your pool must be fenced in and follow other provincial standards.

2 – Labour Standards: Changes You Should Know

The second most read article in 2021 . . . was a 2018 article! The article covered five new Quebec labour standards rules that were still in effect in 2021.

1– Noisy Neighbours? What Does the Law Say?

Our most read current events article of 2021 was about noisy neighbours. With so many people working from home, it’s not surprising that noise was an issue for our readers!

Read about 2022 current events on the section of our website called In the News.

Your 2021 Articles

Éducaloi also has an extended library of online articles covering a variety of legal topics. Our team makes sure these articles are always up to date. Here are the most read articles of 2021:

5 – Termination of Employment: Understanding Compensation and Notices of Termination

Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic hit a lot of Quebec businesses hard. Many of you wanted to know the rules employers must follow when they end employment contracts.

4 – Workplace Protection in Quebec

Some of you changed jobs during the pandemic. As with every year, our readers were interested in how the Act respecting labour standards affected them at work.

3 – Tenants: Leaving Your Place Before the Lease Ends

In 2021, like in 2020, some tenants wanted to move and end their lease early. Our article on leaving rental housing before your lease ends was the third most read article, losing its title as the most read article of 2020.

2 – Renewing a Residential Lease and Rent Increases

This article came in second place, just like it did in 2020. Housing is a big issue for many readers and the pandemic made it even more relevant.

1 – Public Holidays

This article jumped from 10th place in 2020 to first in 2021. Many of you wanted to know when you had public holidays off and what you were owed if you had to work on one of these days.

Read articles like these on the section of our website called The Law by Topic.