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Type of publication Interactive Tools
5 Steps

Wondering how to set up a non-profit incorporated in Quebec? This interactive tool walks you through the steps.

To learn more about what it means to be “incorporated” and what other types of organizations exist, check out our article Starting a Non-profit: What Type of Organization is Best for You?


The information in this article only applies to incorporated non-profits created under Quebec law.

To learn more about federally incorporated non-profits, check out our article Non-profits: Incorporate With the Quebec Goverment or the Federal Goverment? or Corporation Canada’s website.

Note that the law allows Quebec non-profits to put different rules in their letters patent or by-laws in certain cases. If non-profits do this, the rules in these documents apply to it instead of the legal rules described in this article.

Not sure if incorporation is right for you? Take our interactive quiz to find out which type of non profit best suits your needs!

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