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A new non-profit incorporated under Quebec law needs by-laws. Non-profits must also update their by-laws through the years so that they fit the evolving needs of the organization. While there are lots of models online, they may not be compatible with Quebec law and they often use confusing legal jargon.

Your organization’s by-laws don’t have to follow a specific layout, but they should

  • be clear (not open to interpretation),
  • be tailored to the needs of your organization, and
  • respect your letters patent.

This tool explains some common topics that organizations include in their by-laws. It also covers how to change your by-laws and highlights some legal requirements to keep in mind.


The information in this tool only applies to incorporated non-profits created under Quebec law.

To learn more about federally incorporated non-profits, check out our article Non-profits: Incorporate With the Quebec Government or the Federal Government? or Corporation Canada’s website.

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