If you are 14 years old or older, you don’t need your parents’ permission to get an abortion. But you might want help making your decision.

As of age 14, you can decide on your own
In Quebec, abortion is legal and free for most people. You don’t need your partner’s permission to get an abortion. If you are 14 years old or older, you also don’t need your parents’ permission.
If you have to stay in a health care facility for more than 12 hours, your parents or guardian must be notified. But abortions are usually short procedures that don’t require hospitalization.
If you are under 14, you need permission
If you are under 14, you must get permission from your parents or guardian to have an abortion. They must make the decision based on your best interest alone, which means they should take your opinion into account.
If your parents don’t agree on what to do, or if you and your parents do not agree, a court can make the decision for them.
Support for pregnant teenagers
You might want help making your decision. You can talk with an adult you trust or contact your local CLSC. You can also check out the online resources below.
If you see a doctor about having an abortion, don’t be shy about asking questions. As with all types of health care, it’s your right to be informed about the procedure!