Campfires: Banned in Most Areas of Quebec

In the News

Every year, forest fires ravage thousands of hectares of forests  in Quebec. Right now, a major fire is burning out of control in Lac Saint-Jean. That’s why the government tightly regulates where campfires are allowed.  

No campfires permitted at high-risk periods

During periods when the risk of forest fires is very high, a total ban on campfires can be imposed in certain regions. That is the case in most of Quebec right now.

You can find a map of the forest fires that are currently active, and the areas in which campfires are completely banned, on the website of the Societé de protection des forêts contre le feu (forest fire prevention society).

In or near a forest

When no ban is in effect, the rules regarding campfires, set out in the Forest Protection Regulation, must be respected.  This means that, when setting a campfire in or near a forest, you must make sure to:

  • First clear all dead wood, branches, scrub, dead leaves and humus from an area large enough to prevent the fire from spreading.
  • Have equipment ready to prevent the fire from spreading and to extinguish it.
  • Remain in the area until the fire is completely extinguished.

The fine for violating  these rules is $1,000 to $5,000.

In Quebec’s national parks

A simple rule applies in Quebec’s national parks: campfires are only allowed in places specifically marked for that purpose.