Reform of Ethics and Religious Culture Program: Public Consultation Underway

In the News

After announcing an overhaul of the Ethics and Religious Culture program, the Quebec government has launched a wide-scale public consultation to determine the content of the new program. One of the themes being considered is legal education, which is at the heart of Éducaloi’s mission.

Eight proposed themes

The government is consulting the public and education professionals about these eight themes:

  • Citizen Participation and Democracy
  • Legal Education
  • Green Citizenship
  • Sexuality Education
  • Personal Development and Interpersonal Relationships
  • Ethics
  • Digital Citizenship
  • Societal Culture

The themes identified as most important via the consultation will form the basis of a new program intended to replace the current Ethics and Religious Culture program. 

You can participate in the consultation until February 21

If you wish to provide your opinion on the content of the future program, you can take part in the online consultation until February 21. You will be asked to complete a survey regarding the eight themes, and you can also provide your own suggestions.