Stuck on Highway 13: Compensation for People Stranded by the Snowstorm

In the News

On the night of March 14–15, 2017, hundreds of people were stranded for several hours on Highway 13 during a major snowstorm. A class action was then launched against the Quebec government and the City of Montreal.

$350 to $1,100 in compensation

Following an agreement with the Quebec government, people who were stuck on Highway 13 during the snowstorm can receive between $350 and $1,100 in compensation, depending on how long they were stranded. Some people, such as those over the age of 75, children under 12 and pregnant women, are entitled to 25% extra.

The class action against the City of Montreal remains ongoing because no agreement has been reached.

Submit your claim before November 4!

To receive compensation, you must complete a claim form available at: . You must submit it before November 4. You must also provide proof you were stranded on Highway 13 that night, such as pictures, text messages sent at the time, or your Facebook status.

Class action: strength in numbers

A class action is a court case started by one person on behalf of everyone in a similar situation.

Many class actions are before the courts and sometimes make the news. Perhaps one concerns you, and you could benefit from it.