Child Custody: One of the Top Website Topics for Éducaloi

What’s New at Éducaloi

Montreal, December 15, 2017 – For couples who separate, child custody can be an important issue at any time of the year. But it’s especially important during the holiday season. In 2017, there were nearly 76,400 visits to Éducaloi’s English website section on this topic, and close to 397,500 in French. That makes it one of the most sought-after topics.

To help parents avoid unpleasant surprises and make informed decisions, Éducaloi is putting this issue in the spotlight this month. Éducaloi’s comprehensive guide, created by its legal experts, presents the rules on child custody. “The holidays already have their share of stress. Issues around children can be complicated for many parents. It’s important to get informed so you can handle tricky situations, such as a change of custody or when one parent wants to travel with children without the other parent’s permission,” explains Émilie Raymond, a lawyer and plain language specialist at Éducaloi.

Our Web Guide

Our Web guide addresses these questions in a simple and accessible way. It’s divided into two categories: short term steps around child custody and more long-term issues in case of separation or divorce.

Here are highlights of the guide:

  • a parent’s rights and duties toward children
  • emergency situations
  • issues around child custody and access rights
  • rules on everyday situations, illustrated with concrete examples
  • special cases (for example, when a child’s doesn’t want to see one of the parents)

Émilie Raymond, a lawyer and plain language specialist, is available for interviews on this topic.

About Éducaloi

Éducaloi is at the forefront of the movement to improve access to justice in Quebec. A registered charity founded in 2000, it’s mission is to inform and educate citizens about the law with plain-language legal information tools and educational resources. Éducaloi’s funders include the Barreau du Québec, the Chambre des notaires and SOQUIJ, as well as provincial and federal departments of justice. It also generates revenues from partnerships with businesses, project funding and an annual fundraising campaign.