Montreal, September 28, 2018 – After five successful benefit events, Éducaloi is inviting its loyal supporters and collaborators from the legal and business communities to a festive gathering for the launch of its “500 Days for Justice” campaign. Headed by its co-chairs, the Honourable François Rolland and Me Kim Thomassin, Ad. E., with the support of a marvellous team of ambassadors, the final format for this campaign will differ from the traditional March fundraiser. The inaugural event will be held on Saturday, October 27 at the Hyatt Regency Montreal, during the closing gala of the Clarity conference. Why 500 days? Because the campaign will end approximately 500 days later, with the sixth benefit evening held on March 19, 2020 on the occasion of Éducaloi’s 20th anniversary. There will be much to celebrate!
Since this is not a fundraising campaign, tickets are available for $175. Please come out and support Éducaloi’s mission along with your spouse or partner. If you are unable to attend but still wish to support Éducaloi’s activities, you can make an online donation (tax-deductible). Please contact Célia Salmi at celia.salmi@educaloi.qc.ca if you require assistance.
Éducaloi wishes to thank you in advance for your presence and for your support of this important evening.
About Éducaloi
Founded in 2000, Éducaloi is a non-profit organization that plays a key role in improving access to justice in Quebec. Éducaloi is a leader in designing and producing reliable and accessible information tools that present the law clearly and concisely. The organization receives financial support from its partner members, which include the Barreau du Québec, the Chambre des notaires du Québec and SOQUIJ, as well as from Canada’s Department of Justice and Justice Québec. Éducaloi also relies on special projects, partnering arrangements and advisory services for businesses and organizations, and an annual fundraising campaign. educaloi.qc.ca/en
We would like to thank our generous partners.
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For additional information or to schedule an interview with the Executive Director or Chair, please contact:
Laurence Bodjrenou
Communications Adviser
514-954-3408, ext. 3773