Montreal, July 17, 2018 – Éducaloi is pleased to announce the renewal of its funding from Justice Canada for services for Quebec’s English-speaking communities. This funding lets Éducaloi provide a host of services in English across the province:
- easy-to-understand information on everyday legal issues
- educational tools for high school and adult education teachers
- training on the law for community organizations
- tools for justice-system players, such as courts, to help them serve English-speaking clients
The renewal covers 2018-2020 and comes from Justice Canada’s Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund. The fund supports the English-speaking minority in Quebec and francophone minorities outside Quebec. Éducaloi has benefited from Justice Canada support for many years.
“This funding lets us provide services tailored to English-speaking Quebecers,” said Sarah Dougherty, head of services for English-speaking communities at Éducaloi. “We collaborate closely with front-line organizations to understand the specific needs of this population in all parts of the province.”
Éducaloi delivers legal information through its website, information workshops, social and traditional media and print documents. It builds the capacity of grass-roots organizations to inform people about the law and find legal services.
Éducaloi also supports schools and popular education organizations by creating tools educators use to build legal capability: the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to navigate legal issues.
About Éducaloi
Éducaloi is a leader in the movement to improve access to justice in Quebec. It informs and educates people about their rights and responsibilities and the role of the law in society, gives people tools to handle everyday situations and promotes the use of plain language when it comes to the law.
A registered charity founded in 2000, Éducaloi’s funders include the Barreau du Québec, the Chambre des notaires and SOQUIJ, as well as provincial and federal departments of justice and the Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur du Québec. It also generates revenues from consulting services, project funding and an annual fundraising campaign.
For more information:
Laurence Bodjrenou, Communications Advisor, Éducaloi
514-954-3408 ext. 3667