A Look Back at 2022: Our Top Picks

In the News

Every week, Éducaloi presents you with legal news we hope will be of interest. The past year had its share of major news and shockers. Here’s a look at our top picks for 2022.

A crisis situation in Ottawa

Protesters occupied downtown Ottawa for several weeks last winter. The federal government invoked the Emergencies Act and a judge granted an injunction forbidding the truckers from honking their horns nonstop. You can learn more about these measures in our articles The Emergencies Act Explained and What’s an Injunction?

Quebec shaken by sexual violence

Quebec was tragically shaken by numerous cases of sexual and domestic violence in 2022. Éducaloi informed you of some measures taken to protect victims. To learn more, see our articles Anti-approach Bracelets to Protect Victims of Crime and Violence conjugale : les employeurs doivent agir.

A sentence that sent shock waves

In a highly-publicized case last summer, a man found guilty of sexual assault received a conditional discharge as a sentence. This was viewed by many as too light a sentence, triggering widespread protests. We looked at the criteria a judge must consider in deciding whether to grant such a sentence in our article Conditional Discharge for a Sexual Assault Case?

Better protections for vulnerable people

In November, a major reform of the rules for protecting vulnerable people came into effect. The law now stresses people’s autonomy, rather than their incapacity. To learn about these major changes, see our article Protecting Vulnerable People: 3 Major Changes to Better Protect You