A person can now be ordered to wear an anti-approach bracelet in the Quebec City area. By the end of 2023, this measure will apply across the province. The main objective is to protect victims of domestic violence. But how will it work in practice? And who can be ordered to wear the bracelet?

What is an anti-approach bracelet?
An anti-approach bracelet is a geographical tracking system with two parts. On the one hand, the offender must wear an electronic bracelet at all times. On the other hand, the victim has a device with her that alerts the police if the offender approaches. The police can then step in to ensure the victim’s safety.
When can a person be ordered to wear it?
A person can be ordered to wear the anti-approach bracelet if they are detained in a provincial prison or if they are ordered to respect conditions while living in the community. In all cases, the victim must provide their consent for this measure to be imposed.
In detention
A person detained in a provincial prison may be ordered to wear the bracelet if they are allowed to leave the prison temporarily, for example, to look for a job.
For now, offenders sentenced to two years in prison or more cannot be ordered to wear the bracelet because they are being detained in a federal prison.
In the community
A person living in the community may also be obliged to wear the bracelet if they’ve been ordered to respect certain conditions. For example, a judge may order a person accused of a crime to wear the bracelet if they are released while awaiting their trial.
If a person’s trial has already taken place, the judge can decide to order conditions to be respected while the person lives in the community, instead of imposing a prison sentence. One of the conditions can be to wear the anti-approach bracelet. This could happen if the person is on probation or has signed a section 810 peace bond.
Finally, if a person has been in prison for six months or more, they may be allowed to serve the rest of their sentence outside of prison. This is known as “parole”. Wearing the bracelet could be one of the conditions to be respected while on parole.