Canadians will vote on September 20th to decide the next Prime Minister. When you vote, there are rules that must be followed. Breaking them can have serious consequences.

Keep your vote secret
Thinking about taking a selfie for Instagram with your completed ballot in the voting booth? You should know that taking a picture or video of your completed ballot is illegal. You’re also not allowed to share a photo or video of your ballot with anyone else.
While inside the polling station, it’s also illegal to announce who you are voting for or to show other people your completed ballot.
Violations can carry a fine of up to $5,000 and/or a maximum six-month sentence.
While you’re waiting in line, voting, or leaving the polling station, you must keep your vote to yourself!
Don’t stop anyone from voting
The Canadian and Quebec Charters of Human Rights and Freedoms guarantee the right to vote. This means you cannot try to stop someone from voting.
So, you must let your brother-in-law vote, even if you disagree with him fundamentally. Of course, he must still have the right to vote. Which means that he must be a Canadian citizen and be at least 18 years old on election day.
If you try to stop someone from voting, you can be given a fine of up to $50,000 and/or a maximum six-year sentence.
Did you know? Your employer must make sure that you have three consecutive hours to vote on election day. To learn more, read our article. |