Montreal, August 23, 2018 – Éducaloi has put together a rich and diverse program that lives up to the reputation of the International Clarity Conference, which will be held at the Hyatt Regency Montreal from October 25 to 27, 2018. The theme of the conference is “Plain Language in Modern Times.” This is the first time the conference will be held in a francophone setting, in both English and French. Over 300 participants from around the world will be in attendance.
A reflection of pressing issues
The Clarity Conference will provide communications professionals, legal professionals and law students with a unique opportunity to perfect their plain-language skills – a key asset for members of today’s legal community.
Participants will take part in plenary meetings on current issues, including interaction design, the experience of financial education, implementation of standards and policies for clear communication, and the future of the legal profession.
Clarity 2018 will be offering 70 workshops and round table discussions where participants will learn more about the many facets of clear and effective communication in law. The list of speakers is now available on the Clarity 2018 website.
Participants will also have the privilege of attending the creation of the Réseau international francophone d’experts en communication claire du droit.
Special guests
Several notable personalities from legal communities in Canada and around the world will be in attendance, including:
- The Right Honourable Richard Wagner, Chief Justice of Canada
- Eamonn Moran, president of Clarity International (Australia)
- Nathalie Drouin, deputy minister of justice and deputy attorney general of Canada
- France Lynch, deputy minister of Justice for Quebec and Deputy Attorney General of Québec
- Joanna Richardson, president of PLAIN (Argentina)
- Joe Kimble, Emeritus professor, WMU-Colley Law School (United States)
- The Honourable Marie Deschamps, retired judge, Supreme Court of Canada
- The Honourable François Rolland, retired Chief Justice of the Quebec Superior Court
Importance of plain language in modern times
“The use of plain language is a major advancement for any legal system, its participants and members of the public,” explains Me Ariane Charbonneau, Executive Director of Éducaloi. “Clear communication reminds us to take a moment and really consider the person we are addressing. We need to express ourselves while bearing in mind the age, culture, mental health, education and literacy level of our audience. Plain language also acts as a catalyst for economic development. It enhances the work legal professionals do for their clients, improves the image of businesses by keeping customers satisfied and informed, and enriches the overall effectiveness of organizations.”
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For more information or to book interviews :
Laurence Bodjrenou
514-954-3408, poste 3667