Éducaloi Celebrates 18 Years of Legal Information to the Public


Montreal, June 6, 2018 – Last week Éducaloi’s collaborators attended the organization’s 18th Annual General Meeting, followed by a cocktail reception in recognition of their outstanding achievements. About 100 guests gathered at the Maison du Barreau to receive the annual results, learn more about Éducaloi’s current legal education and information projects, and recognize the dedication of three remarkable volunteers.

Éducaloi’s Chair, the Honourable François Rolland, stated this was the first year the ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (ministry of education) has provided funding to Éducaloi. He also expressed appreciation for the continued support of Justice Québec, which has backed the organization’s mission since the very beginning. “I’m extremely proud of the enormous task Éducaloi has realized. With the added contributions of the ministry of education and Justice Québec, and the ongoing support of our three partner members – the Barreau du Québec, the Chambre des notaires and SOQUIJ – Éducaloi was able to make up a significant shortfall at the beginning of the fiscal year and even managed to build a reserve. This is a first for Éducaloi,” stated Me. Rolland.  

Me. Ariane Charbonneau, Executive Director of Éducaloi, recapped the success of the organization’s most recent financial campaign, which generated $225,835 in profits thanks to the generosity of its corporate partners, donors and supporters. Through rigorous management of its financial resources, the creation of a reserve fund and the success of the 2018 financial campaign, Éducaloi is now able to carry out two strategic projects: the complete overhaul of its legal information website and the remodelling of the offices Éducaloi has occupied since its was founded in 2000.

Éducaloi’s position as an online legal information reference 

Éducaloi has worked diligently over the last 18 years to position itself as a go-to online legal information reference in Quebec. “During the past year, Éducaloi has continued to focus on the interests of vulnerable communities and members of the public. The website has gone from 4.6 million visits to more than 4.8 million (a 6% increase over 2016-17). Of these, 20% were to our English content—a 27% increase over the last 12 months. In one year alone, we have been involved in 30 legal information and education projects, many of them developed specifically for seniors and Indigenous communities. In addition, as part of the #MeToo movement, Éducaloi has collaborated on projects to assist sexual assault victims,” stated Me. Charbonneau.

Recognition of Remarkable Volunteers 

Each year since 2016, Éducaloi has recognized the collaboration of the hundreds of volunteers who help Éducaloi carry out its mission and activities. Three of them were honoured at last week’s event for their outstanding commitment and dedication to the organization: Me. Victoria Cohene in the Youth Programs category, Me. Josée Kouri in the Fundraising Campaign category and Ms. Sonya Gagnier in the General Public category.

To consult Éducaloi’s 2017-2018 annual report [French only], please visit the dedicated web page on our website.

Me. France Castonguay, lawyer, CPA, CGA, M. Fisc. (Treasurer), the Honourable François Rolland, Retired Judge, former Chief Justice of the Superior Court of Quebec (Chair), Me. Ariane Charbonneau, Executive Director of Éducaloi, Mr. Robert Bisaillon, former Assistant Deputy Minister, ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur (Vice-chair) and the Honourable Marie Deschamps, Retired Judge, Supreme Court of Canada (Secretary). 
Me. Ariane Charbonneau, Executive Director of Éducaloi, Me. Victoria Cohene, outstanding volunteer in the Youth Programs Category, the Honourable François Rolland, Chair. 
Me. Ariane Charbonneau, Executive Director of Éducaloi, Ms. Sonya Gagnier, outstanding volunteer in the General Public category, the Honourable François Rolland, Chair. 
Me. Ariane Charbonneau, Executive Director of Éducaloi, Me. Josée Kouri, outstanding volunteer in the Fundraising Campaign category, the Honourable François Rolland, Chair. 

About Éducaloi

Founded in 2000, Éducaloi is a non-profit organization that plays a key role in improving access to justice in Quebec. Éducaloi is a leader in designing and producing reliable and accessible information tools that present the law clearly and concisely. The organization receives financial support from its partner members, which include the Barreau du Québec, the Chambre des notaires du Québec and SOQUIJ, as well as from Canada’s Department of Justice and Justice Québec. Éducaloi also relies on special projects, partnering arrangements and advisory services for businesses and organizations, and an annual fundraising campaign. educaloi.qc.ca/en   


For additional information or to schedule an interview with the Executive Director or Chair, please contact: 

Laurence Bodjrenou  
Communications Adviser
514-954-3408, ext. 3661 